Xero Integration: FAQ's (AU)

What data is shared between Citation HR Software and Xero?

The Citation HR Software-Xero Connector is a two-way integration between Citation HR Software and Xero which allows for the transfer of employee information, bank accounts, superannuation accounts, tax details and leave balances between the two systems. You can see a more comprehensive list of the details that are shared here: What information can be updated and created?


How many accounts can be integrated?

The integration between Citation HR Software and Xero is a 1 to 1 relationship, which means that you can only link one Citation HR Software account with one Xero entity. You cannot link one Citation HR Software account with several Xero entities or several Citation HR Software accounts with one Xero entity.


How is data pulled from Xero into Citation HR Software?

Pulling new and updated data from Xero into Citation HR Software is done either manually via the User Interface or automatically via a scheduler that runs every 3 hours. You have the option to activate the import scheduler if required.


How is data pushed from Citation HR Software into Xero?

Pushing new and updated data from Xero into Citation HR Software can be done automatically via a scheduler every 3 hours. You have the option to activate the export scheduler if required.


How do I set up the Citation HR Software-Xero integration?

First you might need to prepare your Citation HR Software and Xero accounts - Setting up and mapping Branches in Citation HR Software to Employee Groups in Xero

Your next step will depend on whether you are a current client of Citation HR Software, or if you are setting up your Citation HR Software account.     XXXXXXXX

Your last step will be to setup and configure the integration.


Does the Xero Integration work for Citation HR clients in NZ?

Not at this stage, but we will be working on it!


The Goal: Keeping employee records up-to-date

The primary goal of the Citation HR Software-Xero Connector is to avoid duplication of data entry tasks when creating and updating employees in Citation HR Software and Xero. This means that:

  1. Employee records that are manually updated or created in Citation HR Software will automatically be updated or created in Xero;
  2. Employee records that are manually updated or created in Xero will automatically be updated or created in Citation HR Software;
  3. Employee records that are manually updated in Citation HR Software’s Employee Self Service (eSS) portal, will be automatically updated in Xero. 



Are there any limitations with the Xero Integration?

You can see a current list of limitations here - Xero Integration - Limitations



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