Employee Details
The primary goal of the integration between Citation HR Software and Xero is to avoid duplication of data entry tasks when creating and updating employees in Citation HR Software and Xero.
Below is a list of employee information that is shared between Xero and Citation HR Software. Either system is able to update this information.
- For the “Termination Date” to be imported into Citation HR Software, it is important that the Xero record is “saved” after setting the “Termination Date”. Please refer to this article for more information: How do I manage termination dates with the Citation HR Software-Xero 2-Way Connector?
- If you want to match EnableHR branches with Xero Employee Group Names, you need to configure them before running the integration (importing or exporting) for the first time. Please refer to this article for more information: How can I import employees from Xero?
- If the employee record becomes a status other than "Current" in Citation HR Software, they are no longer synced to Xero. They will remain in Xero as "Active" but will no longer be updated by Citation HR Software.
Payroll Details
The Citation HR Software-Xero integration focuses on the payroll functionality within Xero and allows for the synchronisation of the following types of information:
- Employee record;
- Bank accounts;
- Superannuation memberships;
- Tax details; and
- Leave balances.
Please see the below figures to determine what can be updated and from which system.
How many bank accounts are supported?
Citation HR Software supports up to 4 bank accounts under any one employee record. Updates to these details can be made on either Citation HR Software or Xero.
What kind of superannuation memberships are supported?
Citation HR Software supports industry or commercial super funds. Citation HR Software does not however support Self-Managed Super Funds. Updates to these details can be made on either Citation HR Software or Xero.
How are tax details stored in the systems?
The Tax File Number is always exported from Xero into Citation HR Software in a masked format – for example, ###-###-123. This a Xero restriction. Updates to the Tax File Number can be made through Citation HR Software’s Employee Self Service (eSS) portal.
Note: The Employment basis is tax related, not Employment related
How are leave balances managed?
Leaves balances are managed in Xero and are therefore are seen in Citation HR Software and eSS in ‘Read Only’ format. The leave balance types that are viewable in Citation HR Software include Annual Leave, Personal Leave and Long Service Leave.
Where will the data be stored?
Citation HR Software
eSS View
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