Registers are used as a way to capture and centralise a list of items and record information about key safety matters or events.
There are nine registers in Citation HR Software's new WHS Module. All except the Risk Register are accessed via the Registers tab in Citation HR Software. The Risk Register is accessed via it's own tab on the WHS module home page.
Each item in a register has it’s own digital record that allows users to store documents, create alerts, notes and reminders for key follow up activities and display any checklists that may relate to the item.
With this new functionality, you can leverage the record creation functionality for Registers to pre-load a list of common or industry provided register items and any associated reference documents to make adding items to registers easy.
Some of registers can be viewed in eSS by workers. These registers are identified by the grey (shown in eSS) to the right hand side of the register tab name.
Document Control Register
Each WHS document in your WHS management system should be recorded in the Document Control Register to record and maintain a complete list of all key safety documents along with version and review data in your safety management system.
Create customised alerts and reminders for review or update of key documents and make reporting easier by running reports on the key data collected against each document recorded in the register.
WHS Audit Register
Better manage reporting and data collection for site, safety system and audits by leveraging the WHS Audit Register. Use this register in conjunction with the WHS Audit Schedule to create a register item for each workplace or WHS system audit requirement and assist with managing and recording all key documents, data, activities and information in one central place.
Plant and Other Equipment Register
Record and manage larger equipment items and manage compliance responsibilities where registration is required, inspections undertaken, modifications made and needed by using the Plant and Other Equipment Register.
Whether it’s lifts or escalators, forklifts or trucks, machinery or tanks the Plant and Other Equipment Register assists you in creating and maintaining a complete file and key data for ongoing management and information capture of a specific item.
Legal and Other Requirements Register
Use the Legal and Other requirements register to identify legislation, regulations and any other requirements or information your workers are required to adhere to and be aware of that directly apply to the workplace health and safety issues concerning business activities, products and services.
Manage your obligations in this area by ensuring you communicate this information to your workers and keep it up-to-date.
Preferred Equipment Register
Use this register to itemise the equipment that workers should use to perform work activities safely.
Upload key documents to share with your workers on equipment use, risk assessment and any other information your workers may need, to know when and how to use the equipment to minimise the risk of harm for specific work activities. Refer to the role overview articles to help manage what documents will be made visible to your workers.
Hazardous Chemicals Register
The hazardous chemicals register provides a list of the hazardous chemicals at your workplace.
If workers do not have ready access to Citation HR Software at the place they may be using hazardous chemicals we also recommend providing a hard copy of the appropriate information and safety data sheet at the place the chemical is mostly used.
The register should be accompanied by the current safety data sheet (SDS) (one that is not more than 5 years old) for each of the chemicals listed.
Itemise and maintain an up-to-date a hazardous chemicals register so that workers can easily find information about chemicals stored, handled or used at the workplace.
Health Surveillance Register
Health monitoring is the monitoring of a person to identify changes in the person's health status due to exposure to hazardous substances.
The Health Surveillance Register is only viewable and accessible by users who have the WHS Health Surveillance role in Citation HR Software. Only authorised people should have access to the information contained in this register and any medical practitioner's report/medical information.
Use the Health Surveillance Register to securely manage and record key data, documents and information.
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