Citation HR exists to support you and your business with your workplace relations issues, no matter how big or small. Our team is staffed with highly qualified, highly experienced human resources and industrial relations specialist consultants.
Unlike some other advisory services, we have a commitment to deliver only the best quality advice. The leading reputation of our Advice Line is based on our commitment to three key customer expectations - accessibility, accuracy and consistency.
Please find a comprehensive summary below of the types of employment matters that we can assist your business with, via our Advice Line.
Workplace Relations and Employment Matters
Modern award interpretation & compliance (AU Only)
- Award Coverage
- Classifying employees
- Rates of pay, penalties, and loadings and allowances
- Apprentices and trainees
- Hours of work, rosters, overtime and shift work
Employment contracts
- Establishing contracts
- Interpreting contracts
- Varying contracts
- Enforcing contractual obligations
- Types of employment- casual, part-time & full-time
Termination & resignation
- Workplace investigations and disciplinary processes
- Minimum notice and procedural requirements
- Employee entitlements upon termination
- Employer’s ability to withhold termination payments
- Mitigating unfair dismissal risk
- Mitigating general protections risk (AU)
- Misconduct and serious misconduct
- Redundancy
Counselling & disciplinary management
- Performance management process
- Writing & issuing of warnings
- Termination after comprehensive performance management
- Conduct management
- Appropriate disciplinary action
Sexual harassment, bullying & discrimination
- Bullying and harassment obligations and statutory provisions
- Investigation and review of complaints
- Prevention of bullying and harassment
- Managing complaints and dealing with grievances
- Meeting positive duty in relation to sex discrimination and sexual harassment
- Obligations and statutory provisions of state and federal anti-discrimination legislation (AU)
- Obligations and statutory provisions of anti-discrimination legislation (NZ)
- General protections under the Fair Work Act (AU)
- General protections under the Employee Relations Act; Protected Disclosures Act and Human Rights Act (NZ)
Employee entitlements, National Employment Standards (AU) and related laws
- Interpretation of the Fair Work Act 2009 (AU)
- Leave entitlements and public holidays
- Hours of work
- Flexible working arrangements
- Redundancy
Enterprise agreements & bargaining (AU)
- Interpreting enterprise agreements
- Benefits & limitations of implementing an enterprise agreement
- Explanation of better off overall test
- Enterprise bargaining for new or replacement enterprise agreements
- Renewal or cancellation of an existing enterprise agreement
Collective Agreements & Bargaining (NZ)
- Interpreting collective agreements
- Benefits and limitations of implementing a collective agreement
Independent contracting agreements
- Review and determination of contractor vs. employee classification
- Sham contracting risks
- Interpreting independent contractor agreement terms
- General advice on creating independent contractor agreements
- Tax/superannuation considerations (AU)
- Tax/kiwi saver considerations (NZ)
Managing ill & injured workers
- Temporary absences and return to work
- Capability review
- physical and psychological health in the workplace
- Workers' Compensation claims management
- Guidance to reduce Workers' Compensation claims
- Mitigating the risk of general protections and unfair dismissal claims
Policies & procedures
- Workplace policies and procedures
- Drafting and implementation of polices
- Reviewing policies
- Interpreting policies
- Enforcing policies
- Potential disciplinary action
Redundancy & restructures
- Identifying operational changes
- Engagement with affected employees
- Selection of redundant roles
- Meeting consultation requirements
- Consideration of redeployment options
- Redundancy pay and notice requirements
- Mitigating the risk of general protections and unfair dismissal
Transfer of business
- Obligations arising from the transfer of business statutory provisions
- Transferable instruments
- Employee entitlements upon transfer of business
- Compliance with Australian privacy principles (AU)
- Compliance with New Zealand privacy principles (NZ)
- Development and implementation of privacy policy
Work Health & Safety
- Interpreting state by state Work Health & Safety legislation (AU)
- Interpreting the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 (NZ)
- Due diligence obligations
- WHS training and development
- Employer obligations
- Manual handling
- Psychological injury in the workplace
- Safe work method statements
- Incidents and Investigations
Workplace Planning
- On-boarding processes
- Succession planning
- Rostering restrictions (AU)
For further information on the Advice Line and how to access the service, please refer to the article HR Advice Line - Overview
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