The e-Learning Course, Introduction to Appropriate Workplace Behaviour, is launched from a checklist within your Citation HR Software. You can launch the course for an individual worker, or you can launch the course in bulk for up to 20 workers at a time.
PLEASE NOTE: To launch the course in bulk, you will need to have the User Access Role titled Bulk Launch Checklists.
Your workers do not need to have registered for Self Service (eSS) prior to launching this checklist, however it is recommended that you communicate with them so they know what to expect when you launch it. You can access an example email here to send to your employees, and an example eSS message here. We recommend you set up and create both of these communications, prior to launching eSS to your workers through the Bulk Launch Checklist.
Initiate the Bulk Launch Checklist
1. Navigate to Actions, up in the top right of your screen
2. Select Bulk Launch Checklists
3. Name your Bulk Launch and click Next.
4. Select the e-learning: Introduction to Appropriate Behavior Checklist from the drop-down options.
5. Select Record types by checking the boxes for Employee, Contractor or Volunteer
6. Select the Branches
7. Select the worker Records you want to launch the checklist to (not exceeding 20 workers) and click Next
Please note: Workers who don't have an email ID associated with their record are highlighted with a yellow box. These workers will not receive any notifications from the system. It is recommended that these workers have their record updated with an email address, or untick them from this list before you bulk launch the checklist.
9. Check the Records you have selected and then click Launch
PLEASE NOTE: You will ignore steps 1 & 2 on this page. These functions are not required for the Introduction to Appropriate Workplace Behaviours checklist.
10. You have successfully launched the checklist to each of the workers shown on your screen. If you have launched it to worker by accident, click on View next to their name. You can then delete the checklist for that individual under Actions.
What do you workers receive when you bulk launch the e-Learning Checklist?
If you worker was already registered for eSS prior to launching this checklist, they will get an email like the example below:
If your worker had not yet registered for eSS prior to launching this checklist, they will get an email like the example below:
For more information on our e-Learning Course, click here to see an overview and click here to see your checklist to getting started and using the checklist.