How to release the next e-learning training module

Great you've launched the e-learning checklist to your employees but they seem stuck and not able to indicate that they've finished a module.

Here's how to release the next module and a couple of important tips.

The modules should only be accessed via the Employee Self-Service view.    

So if you released it remember to include yourself and swap to employee view.

Once in the Self-Service View, select the envelope to view the task assigned to you:



Click on the task.


To keep the Self-Service window open whilst you complete the training, right mouse click on the blue training module title.   In the above example, this is Introduction to Appropriate Workplace Behaviour.

Right mouse click will open a new tab so that you have both the Training module open and Citation HR Software self-service.


Click on the tab with Module 1 and complete the training.

Once you have Finished the training module.

Click back on the Self Service tab.

Now that you have finished the training you can Acknowledge that you have read the message and completed the training.

Click on the I acknowledge button.



Your first task is now complete and the second module will be released to you to complete.

You will see a new task to complete.    

You can repeat the steps to open a new tab to access the module.

Remember you do not need to run the training from a separate tab, it's just easier.

Modules are only released once you have finished the module AND clicked on the Acknowledge button for each task.