The following instructions apply to both versions 5 and 6 of Meridian.
NB: The file sourced from Meridian does not need to be in Excel CSV format.
Exporting from Meridian
1. Log into Meridian and click "IQ".
2. From the options available, select the "IQB-Emp004" query.
3. Click on "Export" located in the bar above the options.
4. You will be prompted by a "Export IQ" pop-up box, click "Export".
5. Save the file in a memorable location.
Importing into Citation HR Software
1. Click on "Actions" on the top right hand corner of the page and then click on "Integrations".
2. Then click on the “Meridian” button.
3. Select the Meridian option applicable to you.
4. Select the file that you have exported from Meridian and click the “upload” button.
5. Check the spreadsheet for errors (if any arise) and proceed to import.
6. You have now successfully imported the employees from Meridian into Citation HR Software.
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