If you have the activated the Citation HR Software to Meridian Integration (via API) you must ensure you keep the branches in Citation HR Software synchronised with the locations managed in Meridian.
This is important, because Citation HR Software, via the API connection, uses the Meridian Location value to know where to place the employee record (which branch).
If you do not have this branch mapping complete, Citation HR Software will not be able to identify where the employee resides in your structure and will as a default, place the employee in the Branch at the top of your overall structure.
When do you need to complete this action
- When you initially setup the Meridian Integration with Citation HR Software you will need to complete the actions laid out below. AND
- If you ever add a new location value to Meridian you should maintain your branch structure and complete the actions laid out below (ie. when you open a new site / store / branch)
Part One
For each new branch created, ensure you have set an integration API key as shown in the image below.
Part Two
Once you've ensured each branch has an Integration API Key, refresh the various field settings related to Meridian in your Citation HR Software account via the process shown in the image below.
Part Three
Locate and click on the the 'Location' option in the refreshed list. You should now be able to see the updated list of Meridian Locations.
The image below is masked so that real data isn't shown in this knowledge base article.
- The left hand masked column indicates the Meridian Location name
- The right hand masked column indicates the Citation HR Software Branch (via API Key) attached to the Meridian Location
If you find a Meridian Location (left) that doesn't have an Citation HR Software Branch (right) then you need to click Edit and attach a branch (via the Integration API Key you set earlier).
When your Meridian Sync next runs, Citation HR Software will move your employees to this newly mapped branch if Meridian tells Citation HR Software that they should reside there.