How to get the most out of your technical support enquiry?

Occasionally, your business may have some questions relating to some of the features and functionality or you may encounter some behavior which doesn't seem normal.

In those situations, you may want to get in contact with Citation HR's Customer Support  team to get some answers.

In situations like these, we'd be more than happy to help but, we'd need certain information to ensure that we can resolve your query as quickly as possible.

To get the most out of your enquiry, please go through the below checklist to ensure the best outcome and resolution.   Remember you can email which is the fastest method to receive assistance.

The 'Help' Button & Knowledge Base

Step 1: The "Help" widget

Have you clicked on the help widget yet?

This widget is normally located at the bottom right hand corner of your page and looks like this:

It will look like this when expanded:

This Help widget acts as a search engine for our Knowledge Base allowing you to search for key words relating to your enquiry. You may find that there is already a helpful knowledge base article which perfectly encompasses your situation. Once you locate a related article, you can click on the link and the widget will display the contents for you to scroll through.

Step 2: Leave us a message

Can't find any articles relating to your enquiry?

If you've searched through our Help widget and you still can't find any articles which might help you, you'll then get an option to leave a message by clicking on 'Leave Us a Message' which will send Customer Support an email.



If you need to leave us a message, we would need to ask you to help us help you. We understand that due to time constraints, you may not be able to leave us as much information as you'd like but if you follow the below guidelines, we'll be able to ensure that we can help you in the least amount of time possible:





Submission of Tickets - How to effectively submit a ticket for resolution?

Information needed so that we can best service your enquiry:


Is Your Ticket Urgent?

At Citation HR, we receive numerous tickets each day that are of varying levels of priority and urgency.  

We consider urgent tickets to relate to issues that are preventing usage of the system or significantly impact on core functionality within the system.  

If you consider your ticket to be urgent, please state this clearly in the ticket subject line with reasons as to why.

Your Account ID and Username

Please provide Customer Support with your Account's Unique ID and your Username. The Unique ID or UUID can be located in the address bar at the top of you browser where it says AccountID=XXX.

To find your UUID, click the Settings button in the top tool bar and then Account Settings:

Your account's Unique ID should then be displayed in the web address bar at the top: 

Overview of actions taken within Citation HR Software

Please provide Customer Support with a step-by-step overview of the actions you took within Citation HR Software that lead to the issue you are querying.  These details will allow us to replicate the same actions you've performed. The more descript the steps are, the more likely we are to be able to see the same behavior you saw and investigate the issue accordingly. 

For examaple:

1. Log in

2. Bring up employee "Bob Smith"

3. Click on "Documents"

4. I was presented with an error message (provide screenshot of alert)

Please always try to include what you expect to see and what you actually see (especially any error messages you get).

Remember to include screenshots

The use of screenshots when submitting a ticket can be effective in communicating how you have used the Citation HR Software product.

Screenshot can be taken using the following shortcut - Ctrl+Alt+Print Screen.   

Consider a webinar or phone call

The use of short webinars and phone calls can be effective especially for the more complex and urgent tickets.  These methods provide a richer mode of communication and demonstration of the product when clients are seeking a deeper understanding of Citation HR Software capabilities and/or need to discuss an issue in greater detail.

Sometime we need more information

Once your ticket has been submitted, a Customer Support Officer will review the details provided and conduct a review of the query from directly within your account.

Customer Experience will let you know if further information is required and will ask further questions in order to gain a deeper understanding of your query.  

Customer Support will keep you updated

Most of all tickets submitted to Customer Support are resolved within 24 hours.

However, some tickets require escalation to Citation HR Software's Development team for further troubleshooting and investigation.  Customer Support will keep you regularly updated as to the progress of the ticket until it is resolved to your satisfaction.  

If you follow the above guidelines, it will help us help you with you enquiry, ensuring that we resolve your issue in the least amount of time and responses exchanged.