Login - Citation HR Software and eSS - How to login and switch between the two portals

The same username and password can be used to login to Citation HR Software and Employee Self Service. To be able to do this, some settings might need to be updated on the user - Login - can Citation HR Software and eSS use the same login credentials?


How to log into Citation HR Software

Step 1:  Launch your Internet browser (preferably Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge).

Step 2: Go to the Citation HR website: https://citationgroup.com.au or https://citationgroup.co.nz, or go directly to the Login page here: https://login.citationhr.com/login

Step 3: Click on ‘Client login’ at top right corner of your screen.

Login Citation Group.png

Step 4: Enter your Username (this will usually be your work email or the email address registered with your work - this is case sensitive).

Step 5: Enter the password you set when you created your account.

Step 6: Select 'Log in'.

Login Citation HR.png

How to switch between Citation HR Software and eSS

Users of Citation HR Software who have access to both the Management Portal of Citation HR Software and the Self-Service Portal can easily navigate between both portals using the same log in credentials. 

Under the user's name in both applications, there is a tab which says "Switch to employee view" or "Switch to manager view". Clicking on the option will log the user into the other application.


From Citation HR Software:



From eSS:



If you don't see the option to switch between views, the settings on your User need to be updated and it needs to be linked to your Employee Record. For additional information on how to set this up, please see Login - can Citation HR Software and eSS use the same login credentials?

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