Importer: WHS Register Items

Citation HR Software aims to assist clients to record their Register Items as seamlessly as possible.

The following Register Items can be imported in the system:


Below are the steps to import Register Items:

1. Navigate to 'Actions', then click 'Integrations'.

2. Click "Import information from an Excel spreadsheet".

3. Click ''Import Register Items''



4. From the next page, you will see ''Select the Register Type''.



5. Select the Register Type you'd like to do an import.



6. After selecting the register type, click ''Download the header information'' to download the sample spreadsheet for the import.



7. Open the downloaded spreadsheet and populate the data.
*** If it's the first time to create these register items, leave columns A and B (InternalID and ExternalID) blank.

8. After saving the data you've entered in the spreadsheet, proceed to upload it in the system.


Reminders for some of the columns in the spreadsheet (for all Register Items):  

  • Column A: InternaID
    - It is mandatory to use this column when updating an existing register item (e.g. moving register record to another branch, updating the register record's name, etc.).
    - You need to generate the Record Export CSV Report to get the corresponding InternalID of the register record to be updated.

    Example: Audit 101(audit schedule register item) needs to be moved from 'Human Resources' branch to 'Executive' branch. Using the Record Export CSV Report, get the ''InternalID'' of Audit 101 and paste it on the InternalID column of the register spreadsheet.


  • Column B: ExternalID
    - This is normally applicable only to those records/register items with ExternalID.
    - This is only a mandatory field when updating an existing register item with an ExternalID
    - The Record Export CSV Report can give you these details too
    - It can be found on the lower right hand side of any record, particularly within the 'Details' box.


  • Column C: RecordType
    - This is a mandatory field.
    - Use the default value in this column after downloading the sample spreadsheet you need to use.

  • Column D: Branch
    - This is a mandatory field.
    - You can generate the List Branches Report to get the whole list of your branches and its corresponding paths as well (second column, title: Path).

  • Column E: DateCreated
    - This is a mandatory field.
    - When updating an existing register item/record and this field is blank, it will override the existing ''DateCreated'' value with the present date when the import is being done.

  • Column F: Status
    - This should always have 'Current' as its value.

  • Column G: Name
    - This is a mandatory field.
    - When updating an existing register item/record and this field is blank, it will override the existing ''Name'' value and will now show as blank (or a '-').



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