For a list of the available WHS documentation, please refer to the List of WHS Documentation Types article. For an overview of how to generate WHS documentation, please refer to the Creating WHS Documentation article.
Document Control Panels
Document Control is an important part of managing and auditing a Workplace, Health and Safety System. All WHS module documents have headers in place at the start of each document to assist businesses with the capture of required document control information.
During the document creation process businesses will be asked questions which will provide the answers to each section:
- Document Type – System determined;
- Status – Indicates if this is a new document or a revision of an existing document;
- Document Number – Sequential number to aid in identifying major change in a document;
- Version Number – Sequential number, to identify minor version changes in a document;
- Creation Date - Date which the first version was created;
- Last Review Date – Date when the document was last reviewed;
- Next Review Date – Date when the document should next be reviewed;
- Document Location – Where the document is held. WHS should be stored within Citation HR Software but could also be stored on the company intranet or in a physical location.
Document Margin Settings
For the document control panels to be displayed properly the top Margin settings within Citation HR Software must be set to at least 4cm.
Margin setting can be found under 'Account Settings'. Please select 'Branding'.
Document Editing - Modifying in Word
It is important to be aware that documents created through the question-and-answer (Q&A) process should be finalised in .pdf format. This will ensure that any document that forms part of your Workplace, Health and Safety system will not subsequently be accidentally edited or modified. The .pdf format signifies the final version of the WHS documentation.
If a document generated through the Q&A process does need to be changed and modified in Word, users are guided to:
- Ensure that, once the modifications have been made in Word, the company branding is reapplied to the documentation (letterhead) manually.
- Save the document into .pdf format before uploading;
- Upload the .pdf into the correct tab within Citation HR Software.
Uploading New Versions of a Document
Uploading a new version of a document without having multiple versions is simple in Citation HR Software. If you need to replace a document with a new version:
1. Locate the document the business wants to revise and click on the 'Document Name'.
2. Select the 'Upload a new verison of this Document' option.
3. Select 'Choose File', search and select the right document. Then select 'Upload'.
4. The new version will be displayed as a system user or worker views this document. Please note, that the previous version of the document will still exist.
Restricting Visibility of a Document to Nominated Branch/es
Documents can be used across the organisation, or can be restricted to specific branches within the organisation. This is particularly useful when you have site or team specific documents. For example, Safe Work Procedure for Driving Forklifts may only be relevant to the Operations branches.
To specify the branches that a document can apply to:
1. Click on the 'Document Name'.
2. Click 'Edit' button from the 'Branches Allowed' row.
3. Choose which Branches the document is applicable to by ticking the appropriate boxes. Then select 'Update' to apply.
Document Sharing
To avoid having multiple copies of a document loaded into different areas of Citation HR Software, documents can be shared and linked to records.
To share a document between records:
1. Locate the document you wish to share and click on the 'Document Name'.
2. Select the 'Sharing' option.
3. Choose 'Select/update the records linked to this document'.
4. Select the records in the system that you would like the document to be shared with. Please note that you can select multiple records at a time if required.
5. When a document is shared, the document will be denoted by an icon (small green link with arrows) which is located just before the name of the document.
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