WHS Module: Access and Security Roles

Access to the WHS Module is controlled using role based security permissions.

Functionality and access to the new WHS module is based on the Access Roles that a user holds.

This article details the new roles that must be assigned to users, dependent on what access they require. It is recommended to review the permissions that each role provides, prior to assigning it to the users of your organisation. Some roles may only be applicable to certain users.


The following roles are available to be assigned to any Citation HR Software users, ONLY by an AccountAdmin user:


Roles Descriptions
WHS Administrator Use in addition to WHS Management role. Provides access to all the features of WHS. This role is for users who manage WHS for the organisation as a whole
WHS Management Provides access to the WHS module. Best suited for a manager, site manager, team leader.
WHS Health Surveillance Users with this role get access to the Health Surveillance Register and the Health Monitoring Checklist - note gives access to sensitive health information
WHS eSS Use this role for workers who need to have access to new WHS module in eSS
WHS Notification Users with this role will receive notification when new hazards or incidents are submitted via eSS. Note: you need to have access to a branch to be notified about incidents or hazards related to that branch
WHS Approver Assign this role to Citation HR Software users who have authority to approve WHS Policies and other processes. Usually this role would be given to an "officer"



Additional roles can be created, for a fee by request, to accommodate customised client specific security permissions.


WHS Administrator - It is recommended that only one or two users in an organisation have this role.  This role has full access to all functions in the WHS module and has the ability to create and manage WHS policies, procedures, templates, and other organisation wide documentation.  In addition, the WHS Administrator can assign user role security permissions for the WHS module to other users.  It is recommended that users with the Administration role are also assigned the WHS Management role.


WHS Manager - Use this role for Managers who are responsible for the Workplace, Health and Safety of employees for a branch.  This role gives access to the operational areas of the Workplace, Health and Safety Module.


WHS Health Surveillance - This role should be very restricted.  This provides the user with access to Health Surveillance Register and to the Health Monitoring Checklist – both of which will potentially contain sensitive health information about employees, which should only be access by trusted people/Managers in your organisation. 


WHS Notification - This role is for users who need to be notified when new Hazards or Incidents are reported using eSS.  Normal branch authority applies and therefore a user will only be notified of a Hazard or Incident if they have access to the branch it was reported in.


WHS eSS - This role will be given to workers when they register for eSS.




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