Branding - Update the 'Reply to' email address

There are two types of email that will be sent from Citation HR Software.

  1. System generated emails that can't be edited - this includes emails that advise employees that they have a task to complete in eSS. 
  2. Email templates that can be edited - this includes emails that are generated from a template within a checklist, or directly from the employee record. 

For system generated emails, as they can't be edited you can choose to enter a 'Reply to' email address in your settings, to ensure you don't miss any important communications from your employees. 

1. Navigate to "Settings

2. Click on "Account Settings'' from the drop-down menu.

Accoutn Settings 2.png

3. From the ''Account Details'' tab, click on the ''Details'' tab followed by the ''Edit'' button

Account details edit.png

4. Enter your chosen 'Reply to' email address and then click 'Update'

Reply to email address.png




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