How To Set A Reminder

A user can setup reminders to prepare, or to remind themselves when needed to action a task or event in their organisation. 

A reminder can be setup via:

  • Notes tab
  • Documents tab

NOTE: Please ensure you are subscribed to alerts and an email address is saved in the "Contact Email" field of your user profile in the system. Otherwise, you will not receive alerts at all.



From the Notes tab

Once you have filled in the necessary fields in the Notes section, you can click the "Setup Reminders" button.

You will see the "Send alert to" field. Normally you will leave it to "All users with access to to this record and subscribed to these alerts". Alternatively, the other options are:

  • All users with a specific role and access to this record
  • The manager, ie. the record this record reports to, currently (name of manager)

Note: Alerts can only be sent to users of Citation HR Software, not other email addresses.

From here, select when you'd like to receive the notification/s. Finally, click "Create Note" to save the note or "Update" if it is an existing note you're putting in a reminder to. 




From the Documents tab

You can set a reminder for the expiry dates of your workers' documents, as well as your organisation's documents.


Scenario 1: Setting an expiry date while uploading the document

1. Click "Upload a new document".
2. Complete the relevant fields (also see How can I manually upload existing documentation? article), including the expiry date.
3. Click "Setup Reminders".
4. Select when you'd like to receive the notification/s. You can also have multiple selections.



Scenario 2: Setting up a reminder for an existing document in the system

1. Click the name of the document.
2. The next page will be the Document Information page.
3. Scroll down to the Details section, and look for "Expiry Dates and Alerts:".
4. Click "Edit".
5. Set the expiry date.
6. Select when you'd like to receive the notification/s. You can also have multiple selections.
7. Click "Save".