eSS Task - How to assign a task including sending or receiving documents

You can assign an eSS task to an individual user or a group of users to action. This task could range from things like reading a message, acknowledging receipt or sending an email to receiving and acknowledging documentation.

There are two ways you can send a task/message to an eSS user:

  1. Assign an eSS Task via a Note
  2. Assign an eSS Task via the Document Information


Method 1: Assign an eSS Task via a Note

1. Once you're logged in, bring up a record (1) (Employees OR Candidates OR Volunteers OR Contractors) tab and then click on the applicable record (2):



2. In the Notes tab, click Add Notes. This will bring up the notes section.



3.  At the bottom of the notes section, you'll see Next Step. The default Next Step is to Save as Closed. You need to change it to Assign to XXX YYY in Self Service. This will send the task/message to the employee's eSS account for them to action in Self Service.



If you require the employee to attach a document, you can also tick the checkbox below Task Instructions:


This will send the task/message to the employee's eSS account for them to action in Self Service.



Method 2: Assign an eSS Task via the Document Information:

You can also assign an eSS task to a user via the document information page.

This will bring up the same option as above except the task sent will also contain the document you're viewing. This option will only be available when viewing documents uploaded to a record's Documents tab.


1. Once you're logged in, bring up a record (Employees OR Candidates OR Volunteers OR Contractors) tab (1) and then click on the applicable individual record (2):



2. In the documents tab (1), click on the name of the document (highlighted in blue) (2)



3. You'll see the Assign an eSS Task action button to the right:



After that, just select the applicable task option as you would above.