There are two ways to set up and manage your Organisational Chart.
Method 1: Individaul - You can individually select the employee's reporting manager.
To set up your organisational chart against your individual employees, use the following steps:
- Open the employee file
- Go to the 'Org chart' sub-tab and click on the 'Move' button
- Select 'Change who this Employee reports to'
- You then get the following options:
(i) Search for the employee's manager and select them
(ii) Click 'Select Nobody'(report to no one) - if the employee does not report to anyone
(iii) Move to the top of the org chart - this establishes the root of the organisation
- Once you have made your select, click 'Proceed' to complete the set up
Note: In the example below, employee's manager has been selected.
Repeat this process for all employees.
Method 2: Via an import file - Using an excel spreadsheet with specified columns, you can set up who the employee reports to.
This is for large customers and requires some initial configuration by Citation HR Software. Please contact us to find out more information relating to this.