It’s important to ensure that each employee record is maintained with up-to-date HR documentation on their employment history. This will keep the management team appropriately informed on all staff matters when managing employees throughout the employee-lifecycle.
The most important thing to note when uploading documents to an Employee Record is the Document Type. This will categorise the document you are uploading which can assist with reporting. It will also determine whether other management Users have the appropriate Access Roles to see that document type and whether employees can view it in eSS.
You can choose whether to upload your documents directly onto your employee's record individually or in bulk. You also have the option to use 2 different importers to upload your documents to your employee's records, which importer you use will depend on a couple of factors. Use the table below to determine which will be the best method to use to get your employee's existing documents uploaded to your Citation HR Software.
Use this option to upload documents individually to the employee's record or in bulk using a drag and drop function. |
Use this option to upload multiple types of documents to multiple employee records in one action via a spreadsheet and zip file. This method is the more complex option for our importers, however it provides you with more flexibility as it allows for you for to upload multiple types of documents in one action, therefore improving efficiency. This would be a good option if you currently have your digital files organised with a separate folder per employee, containing all of their employee documents. To use this importer, you will need to have Employee ID's recorded against each Employee Record. You will need to use the ID's in the spreadsheet you complete. |
Use this option to upload multiple documents that are all the one type of document to multiple employee / contractor records via a zip file. This would be a good option if for example you have all of your Employment Agreements saved in one folder. To use this method of import, you will need to have Employee ID's recorded against each Employee Record. The name of each document in your zip file document must include the Employee's ID. |
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