If you are not utilising one of our Payroll integrations and you need to update details on multiple employee records at once, you can use the Employee Importer.
If you are looking to upload your Employee Records for the first time, please see Importing Employees - what are the methods?
1. To assist you with your update and to help ensure you don't lose any current data on your Employee Records, you should first run the Record Export CSV Report for Employees.
2. Use the report to populate the Employee Import Spreadsheet, making sure you copy across all the information you want to keep on the Employee Record. If you leave columns blank, it will overwrite the data on the Employee Record and remove the current data.
Please note: If you are updating a large volume of Employee Records, we recommend testing the update on a small number of Employee Records first, to ensure the update occurs as you expect.
If you want to discuss and receive any advice on updating your Employee Records prior to completing this process, please contact our Client Support Team.
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