Create Competencies individually on your Account


Citation HR Software gives you the ability to create competencies that can be applied to your Candidates / Employees / Volunteers or Contractors.

This means that, you can have a range of standard competencies available for selection by your Citation HR Software HR Users (including via eSS).

Note: To complete this process you need to have been assigned the Training Management role

Part One – Locating the Training Administration Screens

Once you’ve logged into Citation HR Software,

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on the ‘Qualifications and Training Administration’ option


Part Two – Adding a Training / Competency Item

Once in the Training and Qualifications Administration page,

  1. Click on ‘Competencies’
  2. Click the ‘New Competency’ button. A new competency form will load to the right.
  3. Enter the name of the competency (Mandatory)
  4. Enter a description for the Competency (not Mandatory)
  5. Select the type of Competency (Mandatory)
  6. Enter the Issuing Authority (Not Mandatory)
  7. Enter the unique code for the Competency (Not Mandatory but recommended)
  8. Click ‘Create'


Success! Your competency will now be available for selection from the training and qualification screens.