What is a Candidate / Employee / Contractor ID number?

Citation HR Software delivers centralised and complete records management without cumbersome paper files, maximising protection and compliance for current and archived candidates, employees, contractors and work health and safety matters. Every record managed through Citation HR Software has a dedicated profile where you can track key details and manage critical documentation.

To ensure the optimisation of Citation HR Software, it is important that all records are allocated a unique ID number as the system relies on this number when completing a range of important processes. For example, a unique Employee ID number will allow for the system to automatically identify and link documentation to a specific employee according to their unique ID number. If an employee does not have a unique ID number, users may need to take the time to manually assign documents to an employee record.

A unique Employee ID number can be any numbering system that best suits your organisational structure. For example, some payroll technology systems automatically assign employees with an ID number. For businesses which have a pre-existing payroll system set up, it is recommended that the same employee numbering system is used within Citation HR Software.

Employee ID numbers are either manually input into Citation HR Software or imported into the system in bulk via our importers. Kindly note that Citation HR Software does not support Employee ID’s with spaces. Please see the How can I create a new employee? article for more detailed information.


How to update an employee's ID number

The below instructions will demonstrate where a user can locate and/or alter an Employee ID number. The same steps can be applied for other records types but will vary slightly if you need to locate candidate or contractor IDs as you will need to go to the relevant module and tabs.

1. First, login to Citation HR Software. You should automatically see the Employee Management module.

2. Select the Employees tab if it has not been selected already.

3. Search for the employee by first name or last name. You can filter the search options by branch and status.

4. View the Employee ID in the summary; or

5. Click on the appropriate employee name to view the employee record.

6. The Details page should appear automatically. Please click Edit under the Employee Details tabs.

7. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Employment Details section. You should now be able to view and/or change the Employee ID: field.

8. Once you've made the required changes, click Update to push the changes through.



Internal ID

An internal ID number is a unique ID that Citation HR Software automatically generates. In our importers, it can be used as a unique record identifier, in the absence of an Employee ID. Furthermore, when advising Customer Experience of issues relating to records, it is always advisable to provide the internal ID to highlight where the issue is occurring.

The below example will demonstrate where to locate an Employee record's internal ID number. The same steps can be applied for other records types but will vary slightly if you need to locate candidate or contractor IDs as you will need to go to the relevant module and tabs.

1. As with above, when you login to Citation HR Software, you should automatically see the Employee Management module.

2. Select the Employees tab if it has not been selected already.

3. Search for the employee by first name or last name. You can filter the search options by branch and status.

4. Click on the appropriate employee name to view the employee record.

5. The Internal ID number is located in the address bar at the top of the web browser. The unique number for each employee record is located after the letters "id=".

*Please Note* this internal ID number is generated by the system and cannot be changed.

*Important Note*
- for clients that have purchased our Meridian Integration functionality, please be aware that changes to employee IDs may be detrimental to data integrity within both systems. As the employee ID is the unique identifier used in to map and identify employees within the systems, any changes made in either system should be immediately reflected to avoid issues.

For example, if a change of Payroll ID is made to a pre-existing employee in Meridian, please ensure that the same change is made to the employee ID in Citation HR Software before the next synchronisation.