Reporting - Turnover Report fix for duplicate listing of recordsBackground Turnover report provides users with a list of employees that are current, have joined or have left during a defined period of time. The turnover report displayed multiple entries on the report. There would be as many entries as there was branches linked to the employee record. e.g. Employee linked to 1 primary branch and 3 secondary branches, would show on the report 4 times. Updates The turnover report was updated to only display the record on the report once even if the employee is linked to more than one branch. Example: An employee, Casey Johnson’s main branch is Branch A and linked to secondary branches of Branch B and Branch C. The admin user runs the report for Branch B, Casey Jones will appear in the report and the branch name will be their primary branch name on the report. |
iHUB - Disconnect ApplicationBackground When iHUB account admins encounter authentication errors or want to change credentials while connecting to CitationHR or external applications, they currently have to delete the entire connection and re-enter credentials for both the source and target systems. Instead, there should be a more straightforward way to update the credentials only for the disconnected applications.Updates iHUB account admins now have the ability to disconnect credentials for a single application directly, without affecting the entire connection setup. When an application is in the 'Connected' status, admins can simply click a button to initiate the disconnection process. Upon doing so, a pop-up message will appear, asking the user to confirm whether they truly wish to disconnect the application. If the user confirms, the application will be disconnected immediately. However, if the user decides not to proceed, they will be redirected back to the previous screen, preserving the existing connection without any changes. This streamlined process allows for more precise control over application connections, making it easier to manage authentication without disrupting other connected systems. |