Raise your standards with OPR
If your business is serious about the effective management of people performance and boosting your bottom line, then Citation HR Software's Online Performance Review (OPR) module is the solution for you.
OPR allows businesses to gain a high level view of how the company is tracking against business goals with a fraction of the paperwork. Quick and easy access to workforce performance data such as employee ratings, averages and trends empowers you to optimise your workforce and make informed strategic decisions in relation to the development of your staff – your greatest asset!
Powered by eSS, our OPR module is mobile friendly making it the perfect tool to ensure effective employee participation. Workforce engagement is enhanced as both the Assessor/s and Assessee are guided through a streamlined online review process that is specific to job types where your workers can easily exchange feedback on performance, gain direction and identify development objectives for the future.
Dramatically reducing the time and paperwork typically spent on conducting manual performance reviews, with OPR, HR Managers now have the time to ACT on the results!
Online Performance Review features include:
- Integrates with Citation HR Software's main platform for one source of truth
- Facilitate scheduled or ad hoc performance reviews with your employees and contractors
- Design your business' own Key Result Areas (KRA) and Rating Scales that align with unique needs and business objectives for each job type
- Gain richer feedback by including more than 1 Assessor in the performance review process (Primary Assessor and Additional Assessors)
- Features a directory of 31+ best practice KRA's, together with associated descriptive evidence and a five-point rating scale
- Includes professional objective and development planning
- All results are automatically stored on the worker’s electronic HR file
- Monitor, identify trends and strategically manage workforce performance with our management reporting suite
This checklist provides you with a framework that will guide you on how to successfully set up OPR.
Only a user with "AccountAdmin" or "Online Performance Review Admin (OPR)" role can set up the Performance Review Administration functionality.
Setting the Foundation |
Step 1 - Complete Set Up of Self Service |
Citation HR Software's Online Performance Review module is powered by Self Service. You need to first ensure that Self Service has been set up and launched across your organisation. |
Step 2 - Define the Performance Review Framework |
Your organisation will need to define the Performance Review framework for each type of job and function. As part of this process, the business will need to identify the relevant Key Result Areas (KRAs) and the appropriate rating scales. KRAs can then be grouped together according to job type.
OPR is pre-populated with a directory of 31+ Key Result Areas and the corresponding Key Performance Indicators that are available to your business to select from as part of defining your performance review framework. - Citation HR Software's Key Result Area Directory Citation HR Software is flexible and allows for you to also design your own KRAs which are unique to your organisation and specific to your various job types. - How to Design New Key Result Areas
OPR's standard performance rating scale is 1 to 5 where:
Staff performance against KRAs is measured according to this scale. Performance can however also be measured using your business' own rating scales. - How to Design New Rating Scales Now that your library of KRAs and the applicable rating scales have been set up in OPR, it is now time to 'group' KRAs together according to job/function type. For example, for the role of a Sales Manager, you will need to group together all the KRAs that are relevant to this specific job type and title that KRA group to be 'Sales Manager'. This KRA group will then be assigned (under Stage 4) to all workers with this job title. As a result, all 'Sales Manager' job types will be measured against the same set of KRAs. KRAs can also be grouped together for a range of other purposes. For example, if your organisation has a set of company values and all workers should be assessed against these values regardless of their job type, you can also assign a 'Company Values KRA group' to all staff to ensure that all members are measured against the same vales. Grouping operates according to a hierarchy structure. Any grouping under a parent group will inherit the the KRA structure that is assigned to that parent group.
Professional objectives and development needs are identified during a performance review period or at any stage during the worker's life-cycle. Employee objectives can be created and managed in a range of different ways:
- How to Submit and Manage Objectives Professional objectives are assessable during performance reviews, however, personal objectives are not. If your organsition already has a set of pre-defined and current objectives, these can be imported into Citation HR Software in bulk. |
Step 3 - Apply Multipliers (OPTIONAL) |
Multipliers (Weightings) allows organisations to give certain KRAs, KRA Groups or Objectives a higher value, weight or multiplier than other KRA's or Objectives. For example, if 'Attention to Detail' is a KRA that is assessable for all job types however it is crucial to the role of a 'Chief Financial Officer', the use of a Multiplier will place more weight and emphasis on 'Attention to Detail' compared to other roles where it is less important. The Weighted Score is dependent on the Multiplier value. You will need to consider whether your organsition requires the use of any multipliers: |
Step 4 - Assign Key Result Areas to Workers |
You will now need to assign individual KRAs or Grouped KRAs to all workers. This process can be carefully managed through the assignment on an individual basis or can be assigned in bulk. |
Step 5 - OPR Notifications and Bulk Launch Checklists |
Your business will need to review the core Citation HR Software uses within your organsition in order to identify who should receive have the control to bulk launch Online Performance Review checklist and who should receive notifications whenever an Online Performance Review is completed. The access roles used to provide such permissions are as follows: - 'OPR Notifications' Role You will need to assign the roles to the relevant users. |
Step 6 - Getting Ready for Launch |
Now that OPR has been set up and is ready for launch, it is now time to start preparing all of the necessary training materials and communicating your organisation's expectations regarding performance reviews. It is recommended that your organisation provides a demonstration of how the system works to assist with engagement and to answer any initial questions. When ready, you can launch the Online Performance Review process across your organisation. For a high level overview of the steps involved please review this article: Online Performance Review Process. The Online Performance Review process is activated and launched (either individually or in bulk) through core Citation HR Software via the 'Schedule Performance Review' checklist. - How to manually launch Online Performance Reviews You will be prompted to select a "Primary Assessor" for each employee. You will also be promoted to select an "Additional Assessor" if relevant. This step is optional and can easily be skipped if not relevant to your organisation or a specific employee. For more information, please refer to this article: Types of Assessors & Online Performance Reviews. The following relevant articles can be used for additional information on the OPR process: - Online Performance Review Lifecycle |
Complete - Online Performance Review Set Up & Launch Process is now complete |
Training Videos |
Additional Training Materials for eSS users |
The following articles may assist when training employees and Assessors on how to complete their OPR assessments:
- Employee: How do I complete my Online Performance Review in eSS? |
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