Citation HR Software’s Online Performance Review Process & Functionality

At Citation HR, your feedback is greatly valued and appreciated.  Our team works hard to listen and understand your feedback so that we can improve Citation HR Software's functionality and user experience.  With this in mind, Citation HR Software’s Development team have developed a new and improved Online Performance Review (OPR) process which now provides the ability to:

1. Review Assessee's Self-Assessment - The Assessor can now review the Assessee's self-assessment prior to releasing the initial OPR Summary Report document. This means that the Assessee will not receive a copy at this stage; 

2. Amend Assessor's Assessment of Assessee - The Assessor can now amend their own ratings and comments prior to releasing the initial draft of the OPR Summary Report document to the Assessee; 

3.  Assessor Controls the Release of the OPR Report - The Assessor can control when the initial OPR Summary Report document is released to the Assessee - all with the click of a button.  This means that if you want the report to be issued only hours prior to the face-to-face review meeting, you can now control this timing; and

4.  Improved Objectives Summary in the OPR Report - The OPR report now features a new and improved Objectives summary table within the OPR Summary Report document.  The table now tracks 'current' objectives (which relates to the current performance review period) and 'future' objectives (which relates to the future professional development objectives and goals).  Review this article for more information.


How can I access this new OPR checklist?

Citation HR Software users must have the "EmployeeManagement" role in order to set up OPR and launch the OPR process.  If you do not have this role, please contact the Citation HR Software HR Administrators within your organisation to discuss your user access.

You can access the new OPR checklist by going to the "Employee Management" module and then clicking on the "Employee Management" workflows.  You will be presented with the following OPR checklists:

    • "Scheduled Performance Review (eSS)(Flexible)" - This checklist includes the new features listed above;

    • "Scheduled Performance Review (eSS)(Standard)" - This checklist includes the current functionality and does not include the new features listed above.

To benefit from these new features, please select the "NEW Scheduled Performance Review (eSS)" checklist.


How do I use the new OPR checklist?

1.  Set up the OPR Module as per the following instructions - Your Checklist to Getting Started with OPR;

2.  Please select the "NEW Scheduled Performance Review (eSS)" checklist.  The steps within the checklist remain to be exactly the same and you should simply work through each step as per normal.  There is only 1 new additional step included within this checklist.  There are however a few changes for Assessors within eSS which are explained below.

3.  Once you have launched the OPR process, the Assessor and Assessee will be will be prompted to complete their assessments via eSS.  Once both parties have completed their Assessments, the initial OPR Summary Report document will be issued to the Assessor only for their review.  The Assessee will not receive a copy of this report at this stage (Note: the old OPR checklist automatically releases the report to both the Assessee and Assessor at this stage).

4.  The Assessor now has option to do either or both of the following:

  • OPTION 1:  The Assessor can release the initial OPR Summary Report document to the Assessee;



  • OPTION 2:  The Assessor can amend their ratings and comments prior to releasing the OPR Summary Report document to the Assessee.  This can be done via 2 methods:

    • Via HR - The Assessor can contact HR in order to change the status of the initial OPR Summary Report document to 'Draft' status.  HR can trigger this at "Step 8.01" by simply clicking the button titled "Mark Manager Response as DRAFT".  This will send another eSS Task to the Assessor - All submitted ratings and comments will be saved and the Assessor can amend their assessment as needed.  The Assessor will need to "Submit" again once complete - a copy of the updated OPR Summary Report document will only be sent to the Assessor;


    • Via the Employee Record - The Assessor themselves can also mark the initial OPR Summary Report document as 'Draft' by simply going to the relevant checklist against the employee record within Citation HR Software.  If HR would like to stop Assessor's from being able to do this, please contact Client Experience.  Same screenshot as the above.
    • Once the Assessor is happy with the OPR Summary Report document, the Assessor can hit the 'Release' button within eSS in order to release the report to the Assessee.

5.  As per the normal process, the Assessor and Assessee should then meet to discuss the initial OPR Summary Report document and discuss the Assessee's professional and personal goals / objectives for the future.

6.  The Assessor is then prompted via eSS to track the date of the face-to-face meeting and input the final ratings and comments.  Once the Assessor hits "Submit", the final OPR Summary Report document will be sent to both the Assessor and the Assessee.

7.  The OPR report now features a new and improved Objectives summary table within the OPR Summary Report document.  The table now tracks 'current' objectives (which relates to the current performance review period) and 'future' objectives (which relates to the future professional development objectives and goals). Review this article in order to understand how the table works.  

8.  Copies of all reports will be stored against the Employee record.


If you require any assistance, please contact Client Support.