Azure AD SSO error on logoutBackground (ENAB-4817) When the SSO user logs out of Citation HR Software by clicking on their name up the top right then click on Logout They received the below error message Update The issue related to how our SSO code for Azure AD was handling the saml logout process. We updated this to no longer direct the SSO user to the samlLogoutUrl and now the user receives the Citation HR Software "Log out" screen
Custom fields in eSS not respecting the 'required field' flagBackground (ENAB-3512) If the eSS user selects a mandatory option on the eSS webform, when they submit the form, a red error message displays identifying that this section is required and a selection needs to be made, even though they selected something. Update Updated the code to identify when the eSS user has selected a required field and now behaves as expected. |
WHS Dashboard not displaying content for logged dataBackground (ENAB-4834) Some clients were receiving blank graphs even though they have entered in WHS incidents and hazards. The expected behaviour is that a graph will still display, just show no entries Update The graphs wouldn’t display if the date format entered was not the standard DD-MM-YYYY format. The clients who faced this issue had incidents or hazards that were entered with incident dates with YYYY-MM-DD formatting. This likely occurred via a incident/hazard import. The devs manually updated these dates for the specific clients that were facing this issue |
- Some routine CVE security enhancements also included in this release
- Quality of life enhancement to underlying importing tool
- Other maintenance tasks completed this cycle
Record Export enhancement (for AU API and Xero connected clients)Background (ENAB-4758) Our Record Export CSV report provides users with a 'one-stop-shop' when it comes to all the content within the record. This report provides the user with a CSV report of most of the record information. For our AU clients who use our API, or our AU clients who are connected to Xero, they can now export all their employees/candidates payroll information that is stored within the payroll tab of their record. these fields should only display to clients who have either of the above criteria satisfied, if there are clients with their own configured payroll fields or meridian integration, these will still display on the CSV report as they do today. e.g. |
Xero Connector enhancement - Employee email field mappingBackground (ENAB-4462) We received feedback from a number of clients who use our Xero connector requesting for the ability to select which email field within Citation HR Software they share with Xero as the majority of the payroll information they want to send to their employees' home email address. So we have added a new Xero integration feature where an account admin user can select for Citation HR Software email field they would like to connect and share the email address details with the employee’s Xero email field. Update This can be found from the Settings > Account Settings > integrations menu This applies to both imports and exports. For existing clients connected to Xero, this field will default to the "Work" email field.
If the customer is already using the Xero payroll sync, and wants to update the payroll email that is stored on the Xero employee file, it is recommended that they change this integration setting to whichever email field they prefer and then run an import or export. As there is no real change to the data, the second or third option is best to use to ensure your employee information is updated and the new Citation HR Software email field is used. e.g. |