Citation HR Software Tactical Release 2022.12.09


SP initiated SAML login - Error on first login, second login works.

Background (FT-3388)

When SSO user enters the username and click on ‘Next’ button, Citation HR have made certain changes on our end that will allow the authorization request to be sent to the Identity Provider for password and then the user will be authenticated on our end before logging in successfully.

When a HRA account uses SP initiated SSO login flow, it sends the user to an error screen upon the user’s first login.

When the user tries to login a second time using the SP initiated login flow, they can login successfully.


we updated the SAML login to no longer redirect upon first login, so the new HRA SAML users will be logged in directly without needing to redirect or reload the page.

Fix to Open Document checklist step for opening Word documents

Background (FT-3140)

When users try to complete the open document checklist step, they encountered an issue when the checklist step linked to a Word document. 

The document would download in a broken state. 


After the fix, any word document linked to a checklist 'Open Document' checklist step will download as expected.

Table borders removed from email templates

Background (FT-3327)

Emails sent out via the checklist 'Send Email' step can be customised to reduce manual entering of information each time a user completes a certain checklist. We often find that clients will request their onboarding or pre-employment checklists to have these custom email templates added. 

There was a bug found where some of the HTML styling in the template was being removed from the email sent to the user. 


We updated the code to allow the HTML styling for table borders and some other common styles. 

Error appears when viewing completed approval step in checklist

Background (FT-3391)

Within our checklist there is a ‘request approval’ step where users can request approval from 1-5 separate users for a document, position, etc

Once a request is approved, the user can access the approval history to review the notes and users who approved the request.

A bug occurred where if the checklist that contains the approval step is linked to a candidate that is now converted to an employee, if you attempt to review the approval steps on the checklist it will not allow the user in and throw an error up and you cannot see the approval history.



The code is now updated to provide users access to the approval history if they are permitted to view the approval history.

OPR checklists with >1 additional assessors receive multiple emails per checklist

Background (FT-3330)

Within our OPR checklists users can select additional assessors to complete the employee’s appraisal. By default we have 1 additional assessor, however we can configure up to 5 for the client as needed.

Each time an OPR checklist would launch with >1 additional assessor, the system would send out multiple emails per assessor involved in the OPR checklist.


We updated the performance appraisal email to send out to just the participant and not to all participants with the role.

This means that for each participant involved in the OPR checklist, they will only receive the one email per checklist.

Record Export CSV - Display linked branches for register record types

Background (FT-3351)

For our record export CSV report with the employee record type, we show any linked branches within the branch column of the report.

When running the record export CSV report with other record types like WHS register items, the linked branches do not show.


Now all the linked branches for any register item will show on the record export CSV


  • Fix to System help messages will remain dismissed after users acknowledges the message