Citation HR Software Tactical Release 2021.04.23


Org Chart Report providing server error when generating CSV type report

Background (ENAB-3524)

When a user tries to generate a CSV version of the Organisational Chart report, a server error message displays and no report is downloaded. 



The error happens when some of the records do not have branch owner’s. When these are missing, the report template fails to generate the CSV.

The fix applied to the code addresses this issue by adding some additional components to handle these types of scenarios.

Fix to underlying issue stopping upload of documents to eSS

Background (ENAB-3706)

There was recent issue where users were unable to upload documents to eSS. See the highlighted section in the screenshot below.



This fix we put in place has set up more in depth pre-emptive alerts prior to server capacity limits being reached as well as a scheduled service which will remove temporary files at regular intervals.



Allow greater control of what Payroll items eSS users can view

Background (FEAT-908)

The recent enhancement to our Payroll tabs meant that all core Citation HR Software users and eSS users had access to the payroll tabs.

By default there was no option to restrict that occurred for the Payroll NZ fields did not have the ability to restrict view for eSS users, only Citation HR Software users.



With this change, we now can restrict eSS users from being able to see any combination or all of the payroll fields for both AU and NZ accounts:

  • leave balance 

  • Tax fields

  • Bank details 

  • Kiwi saver/Superannuation fields 

These permissions will be added to our standard eSS user access roles. However, new eSS user access roles will be created to accommodate to user feedback that wanted these removed from view.

The roles that will be updated are:

  • eSS Employee

  • eSS Candidate

Two new roles will be created with no access to the Payroll tabs that will restrict access to the payroll fields in eSS:

  • eSS Employee (No Payroll)

  • eSS Candidate (No Payroll)


Allow greater control of what Payroll items eSS users can view

Background (FEAT-881)

The Record Export CSV can provide an export of all the employee details, however the new payroll fields did not show on this export.



We updated the code so that the user could choose and generate a report that will include the Payroll field content in CSV.