Xero Integration - Changes in self service tax fields will update non-visible tax fields to BLANKBackground (FT-3761) As part of supporting Single Touch Payroll 2 (STP2) ATO reporting requirements, we made some updates to our standard payroll fields to now include Income Type and Tax Scale Type. These are payroll only fields and were not visible on self service. These two fields were being overridden on Citation HR Software by any update to the tax information in self service. Update We updated the self service approval code to no longer update the hidden field. |
Xero Integration - Export doesn't respect the selected employee email field integration optionBackground (FT-3740) To support Xero's singular employee email address we have an email integration configuration field The Xero export kept including changes to the Citation HR Software email field that is not selected in the integration configuration options. This resulted in records without changes to the mapped email field being detected for a merge conflict. Update We made updates to our xero integration conflict detection code to respect the selection on the Xero integration settings so that any updates to the email field of the employee that is not selected will be ignored in the sync activities. |
Xero Integration - Import successful, export hitting NULL errorBackground (FT-3791) For certain clients, they were unable to export their employee records to their Xero accounts. When checking our code, we can see that we are not expecting a NULL value for this field (is a boolean value), but the UI is saving no value as a NULL instead of a FALSE value. Update We enhanced our STSL field and this null issue should no longer occur. |
Xero Integration - Remove the "External ID" from appearing in the self service Super changesBackground (FT-3763) Whenever an employee makes an update or adds new superannuation details within eSS, these updates are sent as a self service approval to managers to approve/reject. Update We removed the “External ID“ from displaying the self service approval changes without this impacting any changes being made for the employee record. |
Xero Integration - Tax Scale type and Income Type not reliably updating from XeroBackground (FT-3798) Some clients reported that the Tax scale type and income type fields were not updating when imported from Xero. This meant that there were employee records within the customer’s Citation HR Software account that were not matching their Xero account which caused conflicts. Update We made a small code change and now this underlying issue is resolved. |
- Improvements to Xero integration conflict management
- Improvements to Xero integration authoritative system
- API updates captured in https://developer.enablehr.com/development/changelog/