Cloudpayroll Integration - Error messages duplicating
Background (FT-4130)
When an error occurs for an employee record during exporting data to CloudPayroll for any reason, noticed that it displays same error message twice.
Addressed this issue and now the error appears only once for each employee who have data issues with the sync from Citation HR Software to CloudPayroll.
Some Custom Fields not displaying correctly
Background (FT-4030)
Issue with some custom field data not displaying on the UI for emergency related custom field data.
Addressed underlying issue so now the previous fields will display as expected.
Users with Alert Subscriptions "Only my self-service profile" still receive other employees training alerts
Background (FT-4286)
When a user is subscribed to the "Training & Qualifications Alert notifications (Only my self-service profile)" alert subscription and has access to both manager and self service, they would receive email notifications for both themselves and all other users they have access to.
We added additional checks for users that have access to both the manager view and the self service view to only receive the training alerts for other records they have access to if they subscribe to employee alerts OR Training & Qualifications Alerts (All users my record has access to)
CloudPayroll Integration - Handling employees without TFN improved
Background (FT-4148)
Employee without TFN and with the tax details for an Australian resident (or) Foreign resident (or) Working holiday makers are not getting allocated with correct tax scale code in CloudPayroll.
CloudPayroll connector has been modified such that.
Employee without TFN and with the tax details for an Australian resident can be created through CloudPayroll connector and they are allocated with taxscale value as ‘4a’.
Employee without TFN with residence status as ‘Working holiday maker’ can be created through CloudPayroll connector and they are allocated with taxscale value as ‘4b’.
Employee without TFN and with residence status as ‘Foreign Resident’ can be created through CloudPayroll connector and they are allocated with taxscale value as ‘4b’.
Employee without TFN, Australian resident and Tax free threshold as not claimed can’t be created/updated in CloudPayroll.
CloudPayroll Integration - Superannuation updates in Citation HR Software reliably sync to CloudPayroll
Background (FT-4182)
Superannuation updates made in HRA should be kept in sync in CloudPayroll too when the CloudPayroll connector job is run.
Changes to Superannuation record is updated in Cloudpayroll only when there exists only one superannuation record in HRA and Cloudpayroll for the employee.
CloudPayroll connector can replace the existing fund and add a new fund when there are any fund changes made in HRA. This is allowed when there exists only one fund in both the systems.
One APRA superannuation fund to another APRA superannuation fund
APRA fund to an SMSF superannuation fund.
SMSF to APRA superannuation fund.
When there exists more than one superannuation record and the fund details (ABN, USI, Member/Employee ID) are not same between both HRA & Cloudpayroll, report this with an error message ‘Employee has more than one Superannuation record, please reconcile this information and make updates manually in CloudPayroll’. And integration job do not make any updates in CloudPayroll.
When unable to update a superannuation record in CloudPayroll, Jobdetail report should have the response received from CloudPayroll API endpoint. This could be for any reason like syncing invalid data for ABN, Fund types etc.,
Payroll Details Import CSV - Long numbers reliably display import file
Background (FT-4249)
The long numeric formats for ABN/TFN/USI in AU payroll importer template are losing format and might cause issue while importing the data.
This has been addressed by making changes to the importer job to consider long number values for the ABN/TFN and USI from the excel template. These fields can be either in text or general format, still they will be considered to import them to the system.
Checklists/Workflow Analysis Report - Now available as CSV format!
Background (FT-4049)
The Checklists & workflow analysis report (first three report options) provides users with an overview of a checklist and the checklist steps.
Checklists/Workflow Analysis Report is now available as a CSV for all of the report type selections.